19:58 SMU starts out with possession in the second half.
18:38 Puckett three pointer is Tulane’s first points of the half expanding their lead to 32-30.
18:24 Tulane’s lead was short lived as SMU ties the game at 32 apiece.
17:42 Fall’s dunk puts SMU in the lead for the first time this half, 34-32.
17:19 Killen at the foul line, but can’t get a shot to go in.
16:45 Gomez scores two.
16:16 foul on Gomez, Dickerson tries to reason with the refs.
16:01 Louisme has the chance to take the lead for Tulane, but misses both foul shots.
14:43 Traveling violation on the Mustangs.
13:37 The shot clock winds down and Gomez takes a hurried shot, missing a three pointer.
12:38 Malone scores three in an chance at an “and one” giving SMU their biggest lead of the game 40-24.
12:15 Mayhan scores two.
12:06 Sims can’t convert for three on a chance at a “and one” play.
11:33 SMU misses a hurried shot as the shot clock is about to expire.
10:54 Roberts scores with a breakaway, SMU is up 42-38.
10:22 Stith scores a layup, cutting SMU’s lead to two.
10:17 Gomez fouls Fall while shooting, who makes his shot at an “and one”
10:08 Stith takes the line and makes his shot at an “and one” bringing Tulane with in two, 45-43.
9:21 Puckett scores with the assist from Stith, tying the game at 45 apiece.
9:01 Mayhan makes his second foul shot, putting Tulane up by one.
8:27 Killen misses a three point shot, then runs down the court to fouling Sims.
8:23 Sims makes both of his “one and one” shots, Tulane is leading 48-45.
7:57 Killen’s shot is denied by Stith.
7:25 Killen misses a three as the shot clock winds down.
7:11 Scuffle for control of the ball at mid-court on the floor, Tulane is charged with a shot clock violation.
6:53 Vianney rebounds a missed shot from SMU.
6:27 Sims scores on a breakaway.
5:59 Tulane speeds up the pace of the game.
4:24 Sims scores long three pointer.
3:53 Gomez is fouled on his shot, bringing him to the line for yet another “and one” opportunity, which he makes. Tulane leads 58-45.
2:45 Gomez is called with traveling at the baseline.
2:19 Fall scores a basket for SMU, their first since the nine minute mark.
1:50 Puckett lets loose a three.
1:19 Killen shoots a three. SMU is still down 13 as Tulane leads 63-50.
1:17 Vianney makes one of his two free throw attempts.
1:02 Stith runs the length of the court to score a lay-up.
41.7 The end of game fouling starts as SMU founds Vianney again, who makes only one of his foul shots.
31.1 Vianney fouls Fall, who makes both of his foul shots. Tulane still leads 67-52.
0.0 Everyone in Fogelman stands as the game ends. Tulane wins their third C-
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