Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Matt Forte Awards

Despite leading the nation in rushing yards, Matt Forte was not named as a finalist for either the Doak Walker Award, given to the nation's top running back or the Maxwell Award, given to college football's best all-around player. Forte should however remain a candidate for the postseason All-America teams and was invited to participate in the Senior Bowl in the spring.


Unknown said...

Hopefully Matt will do well in the draft and all this will pass...

Unknown said...

Question - why don't more students know who Matt Forte is? Why din't they take advantage of ample home games to come see him play in person or get autographs?

Students are completely lame.

All of you students should be required to read "Fourth and New Orleans" and have a greater appreciation for this program and what your fellow students went through - while none of you have the courtesy to come out and say "thanks."

They've tried to take football away once before you know and if you don't support it - it will be taken away for good. The only folks who raised hell over the review were alumni.

Anonymous said...

I went to the last home game, and I think me and my buddy were the only two students in the student section during the fourth quarter.
Also managed to stay all the way through the alma mater for all the home games too.
I just wonder if it is a surprise to everyone why we don't do well, when the games we do the best at have the biggest crowds... until we start losing, exactly when the team needs us out there.
Oh well, that's Tulane for yah.

Anonymous said...

I agree with greenwave -- I too was one of the only students at the last game as well -- there were about 20 other students on the bus going home. 20. They didn't need two trips or anything. But in the end the support will have to come from the New Orleans community, as there simply aren't enough students, apathetic or not, to support this program