4.4 Stith hits a jumper but it won't matter as the Wave fall 66-56
18.2 Puckett commits his fifth and final foul. McKiver hits two free throws.
1:15 Williams drives and lays it in and the Cougars lead by 12.
2:10 Stith drives and lays it in. Toney with the dagger as he hits a three pointer. Houston 62, Tulane 52.
2:35 Richard commits the foul and Toney has two free throws. The first is no good...as is the second.
3:13 Wheaton hits the layup and the Wave is down 59-50.
4:06 McKiver is fouled with the shot clock running down. He hits the first and misses the second. Houston comes away with the offensive rebound as the clock runs under 4 minutes.
4:52 Stith is fouled and makes the shot. The free throw is good. Tulane down 10
5:20 Lewis hits a three pointer for the Cougars and the lead is back out to 13.
6:09 McKiver hits two free throws to extend the lead back to double digits. Puckett then commits yet another turnover and the ball goes back to the Cougars.
6:36 Gomez misses the layup but follows it up. Tulane down by 8
7:05 Richard comes away with the steal and passes ahead to Stith who lobs it to Gomez for the alley-oop. Wave down by 10.
7:53 Pane misses the jumper but Richard's foot was on the line and it goes back to the Cougars.
8:46 Gomez is fouled after he grabs the Nixon missed layup. The Wave have another one and one opportunity. Gomez hits the front end and then the second. Wave down by 12, 53-41.
9:11 Gomez misses the runner but follows it up. Wave down 53-39.
9:39 Cousin misses the jumper but Tulane cant corral the rebound.
10:18 Puckett misses the jumper and then commits the foul at the other end.
11:22 Vianney misses the front end of a one and one but gets bailed out by the traveling call on Pane.
11:37 McKiver hits a long jumper to push the lead out to 13 for the Cougars.
12:04 It's beginning to get out of hand, as Puckett commits another turnover and McKiver hits the three pointer at the other end on the fast break. Houston now up 48-37.
13:00 Gomez is fouled and has a one and one but once again cannot hit the first and Houston comes away with the rebound.
13:56 Puckett airballs a three point shot and McKiver makes the layup on the other end. Houston up 45-37. The next Houston foul will put the Wave in the bonus.
14:56 Wheaton commits the turnover and Smith hits another three pointer to push the lead back out to six at 43-37.
15:48 Stith cannot hit the free throw and Houston comes away with the rebound.
18 turnovers for the Wave now and Houston is beginning to hit their three point shots, now 7-27.
16:05 Sims hits a tough jumper in the lane go cut the lead to 5. Houston then air-balls a three point attempt and Stith lays it in on the fast break and draws the foul. He'll have a three point opportunity to cut the lead to 2 after the media timeout.
16:49 Sims commits the turnover and Toney hits the three as the Cougars quickly jump out to a seven point lead.
17:21 Wheaton is fouled as he drives the lane and is fouled going up. Wheaton with two attempts..the first is good...as is the second. Wave down just 1, 34-33.
18:02 Louisme misses the jumper but follows it up with a tip-in. Cougars 34, Wave 31
Stith checks in for Gomez
18:42 Another turnover is committed by Gomez and Smith hits a three to extend the Houston lead out to five at 34-29. Dickerson calls timeout.
18:58 Gomez commits the turnover and Houston converts on the fast break.
19:48 Louisme is fouled by Dowell and will shot two free throws. The first is no good again but the second rattles in. Game tied at 29 apiece.
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